Physicians Email List

985724 doctor emails with privacy protections. 90% of the doctor’s contact information on our mailing list of physicians is accurate. Before you buy the list, get a physician count by location, specialty, etc. and request free samples.

Physician Specialties Email Contact Database and Geo-targeted Physicians Contact Database

Utilize thorough healthcare data intelligence for customer engagement, market segmentation, and 100% opt-in physician marketing data. Develop stronger B2B ties with the top US doctors to raise the market worth of your brand. To produce leads that are prepared for sales, you may coordinate your email marketing efforts with our physician mailing lists. Only focus your efforts on qualified prospects; you can directly advertise your goods and services using the unique physician email addresses. Obtain the verified emails of doctors throughout the USA.

Check the Reputation of Our Medical Email Lists

leading source of email lists for the medical sector nationwide. With a medical email marketing service, you may connect with over 2.6 million healthcare professionals.

94,772 - Family Physicians Email List

The Family Physicians Mailing Lists give advertisers the chance to reach highly educated and skilled medical professionals who have a significant impact on patients' general health and wellness.

36,128 - OB/GYNs Mailing List

Our obstetrician and gynecologist mailing list is divided into sections according to many criteria, including healthcare specialty, hospital affiliation, patient volume, state licencing requirements, SIC code, years of experience, and others.

50,357 - Pediatrician Mailing List

Our physician email addresses are specifically chosen for your campaign and can ensure timely delivery of your deliverables.

100,621 - Internists Email List

By drastically raising lead generation and conversion rates, our pre-packaged and personalised Internal Medicine Professionals Email List has aided our customers in attaining their marketing goals.

16,500 - Neurologist Email List

As a result, our Neurologist Mailing List enables marketers to obtain customized data that supports their unique business requirements and campaign budget.

35,584 - Cardiologists Email List

An outstanding marketing database that provides current and accurate information for your email, postal, or telemarketing campaigns is the Cardiologists Mailing List.

54,691 - Psychiatrists Mailing List

In order to assist marketers in reaching their target clients with their high-quality goods and services, we provide the most accurate and trustworthy Psychiatrists Email lists.

24,341 - Radiologist Mailing List

Radiologist mailing Lists is regularly updated to maintain the database's integrity and accuracy. You can target prospects with our radiologists mailing lists for high response rates and outcomes that are ensured.

86,924 - Anesthesiologist Email List

You can connect with anesthesiologists and department heads at all hospitals across the world using our anesthesiologists mailing lists and email lists.

Top Physician Email Addresses List by Specialty and it's Total Records

Family Practise Email List
Internist Medicine Mailing List
Emergency Medicine Doctors Email List
Psychiatrists Mailing List
Obstetricians and Gynecologists Mailing List
Neurologist Mailing List
Radiologist Mailing List
Anesthesiologist Mailing List
Pediatrician Mailing List
Cardiologists Email List
Hospital Affiliated Physicians Emails
Oncologists Mailing List
Gastroenterologist Mailing List
Pulmonologist Mailing List
Infectious Disease Specialist Email List
Group Practice Physicians Mailing List
Allergist-Immunologist Mailing List
Audiologists Mailing List
Otolaryngologists Mailing List
Dermatologist Mailing List
Surgeons Mailing List
Clinical Pathologist Email List
Nephrologists Mailing List
Endocrinology Physicians Mailing List
Rheumatologist Mailing List
Ophthalmologist Mailing List
Medical Group Physician Email Address
Urologist Mailing List
Podiatrists Mailing List
Nutritionists Mailing List

Physician Email List with 100% Opt-In for Your Marketing Campaigns

Utilize our highly qualified physician contact list to strengthen your commercial relationships with physicians and maximise ROI. Our verified opt-in physician database can assist you in focusing on active doctors in the US and other countries, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, and more. With the carefully categorised information from the Physicians Marketing List, you can target the appropriate audience and take advantage of the best business chances. You can communicate with medical marketers, CME suppliers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers directly using our network of doctors and provide the best services.

To increase your clientele and conversion rate, improve the commercial messages you send to the best US physicians. Use specialised PhysiciansEmail Lead Lists to promote your healthcare products, certification programmes, or software products. You can use 35+ sophisticated data points to filter your doctor’s email qualities. Promote surgical implant materials, pocket diagnostic kits, digital stethoscopes, rubber gloves, pharmaceutical goods, and more by using our physician database. Global Healthcare list offers Physicians Verified Lists with 100% permission-passed contact information.

Physician Contact Data Samples from USA

Choose the best doctor to target and divide your medical contact list into categories based on specialties, hospital affiliations, practise types, licencing states, geographic locations, etc. Global Healthcare list offers up-to-date, completely permission-based physician specialisation lists.

Purchase a Doctors Email Address that complies with CAN-SPAM and GDPR

Visit  Global Healthcare list to have access to thousands of permission-passed and current physician Contact List. For your multichannel marketing activities, Global Healthcare list’s CASS-certified physician email address lists give you complete contact information. Our physician database was created using high-quality data that complies with industry standards, giving you qualified leads and ensuring that the appropriate people receive your messages. With the help of our Email List of Physicians, we can provide clients with comprehensive information on their prospects, enabling them to send advertising materials to doctors’ exact mailing addresses.

✶ What are the Advantages of using Physicians Database?

Customized Physicians Leads from Global Healthcare list can help you reach niche prospects with your marketing messaging. We have physician lists that are entirely permission-based and real-time validated. Our professionals routinely update the Physicians lists and eliminate any unnecessary data. We also offer limitless data usage rights, a data replacement policy, volume data pricing, a dedicated account manager, and more to maximise your benefits. Medical contacts validated by CASS are now being used by Global Healthcare list to update and verify data. We provide the List of Doctors in forms that are simple to use, such as.xls,.txt, csv, and a pdf list of doctors with email addresses. Global Healthcare list provides the best physician database available that is completely opt-in and privacy compliant. All data protection laws, such as GDPR, CAN-SPAM, CASL, CASS, etc., are followed by us. Download free trials of our national physician directory from our official website to check the accuracy.

✶Why Opt for or Buy a Physician Email Marketing List From Global Healthcare list?

You can use email marketing to contact the top doctors with the most influence by using our lists of doctors. Utilize our List of Providers Emails to create enduring business ties with the appropriate physicians. You can be sure that our email list of doctors contains only high-quality and accurate information because our data professionals execute a 7-step verification procedure that combines manual and artificial intelligence (AI) bot verification. The ready-to-send Physicians Contact List is a comprehensive set that includes all of the information about doctors in the US and throughout the world. We also provide data and email appending, as well as data cleansing, when we supply the physician email lists to keep the database current.Make your purchase right away! Speak with a member of our support team to obtain a 100% opt-in, personalised physician email address list.

Create personalised physician lists to discover new business prospects.

Utilize a specialised, superior Physician Email Addresses to get in touch with licenced medical professionals based on specialty. Each data attribute undergoes a number of quality checks, including manual and AI-based validation, before being added to the master data repository. Our in-house data specialists gather information from 16K+ dependable sources to help you get the right email addresses of physicians. To increase your return on investment, buy a physician contact list from Global Healthcare list. We do not resell the personalised list; instead, we use it to strengthen your marketing campaigns. Fill your sales funnel right away! Take a look at our free US Physicians Email Database.

Health System and Hospital Affiliation

Doctors and Practice Specialty

License number, State, NPI and DEA

Verified from hundreds of sources

✶How Accurate Is our Physician Email List?

Connecting with physicians has never been more simple or practical thanks to our exclusive physician lists. The Physician Email Contact Lists can help you reach out to your target groups of physicians through various marketing channels by offering 90% correct information on their details. Use our highly accurate physician lists with an 85–90% delivery rate if you want to send tailored emails to doctors to raise your CTR and get the required results. To further guarantee that each physician email added to your physicians database is permission-based and appropriate for your brand, products, and services, we apply a rigorous verification procedure. Your conversion rate will go up and your marketing efforts will be aided by having special Verified Physician Email Marketing Lists.To lower bounce rates and connect you with qualified prospects, our professionals delete the unnecessary info from your database. Connect with the best doctors in the US by purchasing Global Healthcare list’s Physician Mailing List.

✶What are the Details Available in the Physicians Marketing List?

You may get a thorough specialty profile on doctors from Global Healthcare list’s physician lists. You can select from 35+ advanced data areas of medical specialties, such as surgeons, cardiologists, psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, urologists, and others, for a more specialised and focused lists of doctors and NPI Numbers. Your Verified Opt-in Physician Email Data List can also be divided into several categories based on data parameters like demographics, location, psychography, and technology. You can find a variety of data in our Physicians Mailing Address Database that you can utilise to build a more focused physicians database. Full names, phone numbers, job specialties, years of experience, postal addresses, hospital affiliations, licence numbers, SIC/NAICS codes, Zip codes, and other details are included in the data.Our Physicians Database was created with the aid of specialists from the sector. Create a business plan using our list of doctors to help you achieve all of your objectives. By using our physicians leads data, you may perform admirably in this fiercely competitive sector.

Possible Ranking Marks for Doctors

Frequently Asked Questions About Physicians Email Database

By searching for the doctor’s name or area of expertise on Google, you can get physician contact lists. However, they could not be permission-based and could get you into trouble legally. However, you may start your marketing campaign with physician email addresses from Global Healthcare list that are completely compliant with privacy laws. You may swiftly reach out to qualified leads who are prepared to make a purchase and convert them. Contact Global Healthcare list to purchase a physician email database. We have added fresh, CASS-certified contacts to the physician contact list. In order to quickly provide you with sales-ready leads, our physician email address lists are 100% data policy compliant and consent granted.

Absolutely! Global Healthcare list is aware that you could need specific information for your company’s marketing efforts. Create a collection of physicians’ email addresses that you may use to contact practising doctors who would be a good fit for your company. A number of data fields are provided, and you may use those 35+ data segments to create a list of doctors. Find a doctor’s email address right away!

Contact Global Healthcare list, a safe and dependable database supplier, if you need to discover the US physicians email list for email marketing campaigns. The physician email database was developed by us to aid in your international market expansion. We abide by all privacy policies for hassle-free marketing across the globe.Order your Physicians Mailing Database NOW!

For maximum accuracy, our physician database is 100% opt-in and constantly verified. To ensure best-in-class email deliverability, our professionals collect information from reliable sources and validate it several times. We continuously update it with fresh contacts and delete unnecessary information. Our opt-in email list of US doctors is CASS-certified and privacy compliant, enabling effective global marketing.

You can reach physicians all over the world by phone or email with the USPS Verified Physicians Mailing List. These doctors’ emails have clearance to conduct hassle-free marketing campaigns. You can create a customised physicians email list based on your specific needs or use our responsive and GDPR verified Physicians Email and Mailing Address list by Specialty for your successful campaigns. Engage medical professionals worldwide to increase sales.


Known database vendors like Global Healthcare list sell physician email marketing lists. To help your campaigns succeed, we offer a physician email list that has been vetted, confirmed, and updated in real time. Your sales presentation will be delivered directly to the leads with the highest buy intent using our permission-passed contact information. Buy a CASS-certified physician email list from Global Healthcare list right away.

You can run multichannel marketing campaigns all over the world using exclusive physician email contact lists. It increases target efficiency and enables you to make direct contact with the right decision-makers to market your goods and services. Global Healthcare list has segmented lists tailored to your needs, like a primary care physician email list and a database of USA physicians, among others.

A US physician email list is available from Global Healthcare list at a reasonable cost. Most likely, you cannot obtain physician email lists for free. Either create your own list or purchase one. Our pricing are pretty affordable, and they change depending on your personalization. The price decreases as you purchase more contact.

Running effective B2B campaigns requires a doctor email list that has been thoroughly vetted. Your campaigns will pick up steam and see a rise in response rates if you have a physician email marketing list that has been given authorization and is privacy compliant. With the help of our geo-targeted physician email list, Global Healthcare list may launch geo-targeted marketing campaigns.

Ready to get started

Get your email message delivered to healthcare professionals quickly and cost effectively.